Brewing up creativity in San Francisco since 2016.

Beer & Beyond
Our attention to detail and quest for the best tasting beverages has of course lead us to roast our own coffee. (Which we also use in some of our beers)
Since the start of the brewery the number one question we’d get is: Do you have wine? Now we’ve been making our own wine since 2019!
Homebrew Recipes
Homebrewing started Barebottle, which is why we put our 5 gallon recipe on every can.

Our philosophy and process are pretty simple….
1. Use the things that inspire us every day from the Bay Area as the foundation for each new beer we make.
2. Inspire our merry band of super talented brewing comrades (head brewer, the founders, and the Bay Areas best homebrewers) to create new beers.
3. Just like in regular competitions, we pilot brew a select group of beer finalists and ask the public to vote for their favorite. may the best beer always win.
We believe this approach will lead to some amazing beers, we hope you are eager to help us try some of them.